Floral Art

Your own style is individual therefore what better way to state your style then to have a bespoke design tailored to your taste, your home and you, as an individual. Blooms of Benton can create exquisite floral art for your home and make neglected space feel a million dollars. Designs for the home can brighten up the compact corner to the awkward alcove.

Blooms of Benton pride themselves on being able to design every imaginable theme. From simple and elegant, to lavish and luxurious – We can create and provide bespoke and imaginative floral arrangements for your special occasion, for both your home and workplace.

Floral Decoration

"First impressions count!"
Let’s face it; how often do you walk into an office, restaurant etc., only to be confronted by some seriously horrid flowers from bargain basements variants? In this economic environment with higher prices and tougher spending this would speak volumes to a customer.

First impressions do count; therefore wow them with a range of breath taking designs that reflect you and your business. Blooms of Benton cater for all different types of businesses and corporate events, regardless of your budget.

Blooms of Benton is an individually run business whose aim is to express your thoughts through each arrangement; therefore each design is carefully chosen and designed with your ideas and tastes in mind. Tracy believes that the clients’ personality should be reflected in the design along with styling the flowers to suit the venue.

07899 951949
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